Please see the Our Fund page for an important announcement about the Ethical Partners Australian Share Fund.

Ethical Partners Funds Management
is a boutique Australian fund manager that is fully owned by its staff and founders. We have a dual focus on performance and investing ethically. Our approach directly manages risk and identifies opportunities, provides the ability to invest in line with our clients’ values, actively assesses the impact of our investments and engages and advocates for change.

We believe that a genuine and integrated approach to assessing a company’s management of ESG is fundamental to assessing both investment risks and the investment opportunities that are presented by the changing world in which we live. ESG is the responsibility of every member of the investment team and integrated into every investment decision. Our active company engagement and wider advocacy program is also integral to our approach to responsible investment.

That's what makes us different.


Ethical Partners Funds Management is a bottom up, long only stock picker.

We pursue investment in companies that pass both our investment process screens and appropriate valuation measures. The investment process examines financial strength, cash flow metrics, shareholder structure and management and utilises the proprietary Ethical Partners Opportunity and Risk Assessment (EPORA). We choose an active advocacy role in encouraging better corporate behaviour. Evidence of this can be seen in our regularly published Engagement Report.

Businesses that seriously consider their impact on people and the environment will create stronger, more resilient businesses that could ultimately benefit their shareholders. But we also believe that being a disciplined value investor and paying the right price for companies is equally important.

We use ESG information from hundreds of pertinent yet diverse sources. This includes commercial sustainability providers, and domestic and international government, non-government and academic sources. We also liaise and utilise data from not-for-profits, community groups, environmental and human rights activists, consultants and ethical investment bodies.

Our Team

Ethical Partners Funds Management is a boutique Australian fund manager owned and run by its founders
Nathan Parkin and Matt Nacard.

We identify companies that are doing things well and encourage everyday businesses to do what they do in a better way. That doesn’t just mean focusing on companies at the forefront of innovation. While new companies in innovative industries can be good, responsible and sustainable investments, we believe the greater opportunity to affect the world in a positive way will come from companies making everyday items with more thoughtfulness while caring for people and the environment. We believe all businesses have the opportunity to benefit from doing things better with the advantages of doing so being enjoyed by society, their people, their environment and their shareholders.

Our Giving Fund

The Ethical Partners Tatrai Giving Fund aims to support underprivileged areas in society.

The Ethical Partners Tatrai Giving Fund is a division of Ethical Partners Funds Management that aims to support underprivileged areas in society. It exists because the owners and Directors of Ethical Partners Funds Management believe it is important to help those that are not as fortunate as ourselves. The Giving Fund is substantially funded from Director donations. Our clients are also welcome to donate along side us.

Our Team
Our Giving Fund