We met the team whilethey were busy at work, helping organise for several more "havens" tobe set up for women and their children that have been the victims of familyviolence. To see the passion of this team was inspiring. As You Matter hasdeveloped it now employs 2 part time employees and one full time employee, inaddition to scores of volunteers. You Matter commenced operations in SurreyHills (Melbourne) in early 2019 in recognition of the contribution that couldbe made to women and their children escaping family violence. From modestbeginnings supporting one woman’s relocation, through call outs to family andfriends, You Matter has grown to provide support to an average of 8 familiesper month, mostly in the Eastern and Northern Metro regions of Melbourne. YouMatter is a registered charity with Deductible Gift Recipient Tier 1 status. Injust over two and a half years since You Matter was founded, You Matter hasjust set up its 114th haven in Victoria, so far benefitting over 114 women and120 children. To donate to this incredible charity go to www.youmatter.raisely.com